Comparing Invisalign and Ceramic Braces for Invisible Treatment

When it comes to orthodontic treatment, patients nowadays want a product that’s going to blend in with everyday life. This means not only figuratively, but literally as well. More and more patients are choosing invisible options for their orthodontic treatment, such as Invisalign and ceramic braces. Since these products are less noticeable, they help to curb self-confidence issues, leading to a more positive orthodontic experience. 

This also includes countless adults who are now seeking orthodontic treatment but do not want traditional metal braces interfering with their professional or personal life. Invisible options like ceramic braces or Invisalign helps adults who might not have had the time or opportunity to fix orthodontic problems earlier in their life.

Are you searching for an invisible orthodontic treatment option? We’re comparing Invisalign and ceramic braces for invisible treatment to see which product may just be the right option for you.

About Invisalign

If you’re not familiar with this form of orthodontic treatment, let us explain. The Invisalign system consists of clear, plastic aligners that are removable. They are custom-fitted to your teeth and are switched out every couple of weeks. They also must be worn 20-22 hours everyday. The Invisalign system is available in various options, ranging from the treatment of mild issues to severe, and treatment time will depend on the system you are prescribed. Other benefits of Invisalign include:

  • Improved self-esteem during treatment
  • Fewer food restrictions
  • Shorter duration of treatment in some cases
  • Less intrusive
  • Easier to maintain proper oral hygiene
  • Comfortable and convenient

Patients with Invisalign must be diligent in adhering to the rules set forth by the orthodontist since it is up to you to ensure you’re getting the most out of your treatment. There are also different types of Invisalign treatments to suit a variety of needs, these options include:

Invisalign Full: Invisalign Full is the most comprehensive Invisalign treatment available for adults. Its teeth straightening power rivals traditional braces, especially when Invisalign attachments are included in the treatment plan. This treatment plan typically takes the longest amount of time.

Invisalign Lite: Invisalign Lite treats mild to moderate issues and can shift any tooth in your mouth, including molars. This gives it the ability to fix minor crowding, crossbites, overbites, and underbites.

Invisalign Teen: Invisalign Teen takes the full treatment designed for adults and adds a few unique features such as compliance indicators, room for incoming molars, and the ability to get several free replacement aligners to replace lost or damaged ones.

Invisalign First: Kids as young as age 7 can benefit from invisible treatment with Invisalign first. It allows kids to eat and drink what they want, plus it’s easier for them to keep their teeth clean since the aligners are removable.

About Ceramic Braces

With the functionality of traditional metal braces and a less noticeable appearance, ceramic braces are a top pick for many patients who don’t want to have to worry about their orthodontic treatment. Some patients know remembering to wear their aligners just wouldn’t happen, making ceramic braces popular among those who still want braces, but don’t want to look like they have braces. Ceramic braces consist of clear brackets, which help to blend into the teeth, and lightly colored wires, making the entire system virtually invisible.

Ceramic braces are perfect for those who want their orthodontic treatment plan to work hand-in-hand with their lifestyle, and since ceramic braces are fixed to the teeth, there’s no need to worry about wearing them for the recommended time each day. Ceramic braces typically cost slightly more than traditional braces; however, having the ability to have ‘invisible’ orthodontic treatment is well worth it.

Ceramic Braces Pros and Cons

While the invisibility of ceramic braces offers a huge benefit to those wanting orthodontic treatment that isn’t noticeable, there are some additional factors to consider with ceramic braces. For example, due to the nature of the materials of clear braces, they are more prone to being stained. It’s important to avoid certain foods and liquids such as tomato sauce, wine, coffee, tea, soda, or condiments like ketchup and mustard. Ceramic braces can also be a bit more fragile than traditional metal braces. This means it’s even more important to avoid any hard or crunchy foods and to always wear a mouthguard when playing sports.

Which Is Better, Invisalign or Ceramic Braces?

With so many different types of patients with personal schedules and orthodontic issues, it can be difficult to definitively say which orthodontic treatment is best overall. The simple truth is both options help patients get a healthier smile discreetly. While Invisalign can be employed to fix a variety of issues, more severe issues can only be fixed with braces treatment. 

When weighing the two treatment options, it is important to think honestly about what your day-to-day life will look like with treatment.  Do you tend to lose things easily? Will you be able to remember to put your aligners back in after every meal? If the answer to those questions is no, then Invisalign might not be the best fit. Do you love red wine, marinara sauce, and crunchy foods? Then ceramic braces might not be the best fit for you. 

Are Ceramic Braces More Expensive than Invisalign?

While the cost of orthodontic treatment can vary depending on the length of treatment and a patient’s particular insurance plan, typically ceramic braces and Invisalign treatment are about the same price. With Invisalign, there are fewer in-office visits, which means less missed time at work. Although Invisalign is being covered more frequently by insurance, there are still carriers that may cover part of the cost of ceramic braces but not Invisalign.

Invisible Orthodontic Treatment

We have come a long way in the field of orthodontics to be able to offer patients the ability to have their treatment be less visible, which makes it a fun and exciting time to be a patient! The days of being self-conscious about your braces are long gone with all of the products to choose from. Take back your confidence while you work on getting the beautiful smile you’ve always wanted with one of these great options from Smith Orthodontics in Parkersburg and Ripley, WV.