Can I Pay for Braces with My Tax Refund?

While it hardly matches the excitement of other holiday seasons, tax season is an important time of the year for your budget. It is also pretty exciting if you expect to get a tax refund. If you typically get a refund, you’re probably looking forward to filing your taxes instead of trying to put it off. And if you’re thinking you could pay for braces with your tax refund, you’re right.

Can I Use My Tax Refund for Braces?

Your tax refund money is yours to spend how you see fit, including toward orthodontic treatment. Many people get a substantial amount of money back when they file their taxes, which could cover most or all of the cost of orthodontic treatment. This is especially true if you go through insurance.

Luckily for you, Smith Orthodontics is an in-network practice, so we accept most major dental insurance policies. This is a great way to make braces more affordable and it also will help your tax refund to go even further!

Why Using Your Tax Refund for Braces Is Worth It

While your first instinct when you get your tax refund may be to put it in your savings or to make a purchase you’ve been putting off, investing your tax refund into getting orthodontic treatment will be a smart move.

For one, improving the looks of your smile is more than worth it. Perhaps you never got braces earlier in life and have been hesitant to start ever since. Having a bit of extra cash on hand is the perfect opportunity to give yourself the smile you’ve always wanted!

But the cosmetic benefit of getting orthodontic treatment certainly isn’t the only reason to start braces. It’s a smart long-term investment that will improve your oral health throughout your life. When you straighten your teeth, you make it easier to clean your teeth thoroughly, reducing your chances of tooth decay. This means that you’ll likely save money over time by needing fewer dental procedures in the future.

Affordable Payment Options

We also make it easy to find an affordable payment option for braces here at our office. You can explore different payment plans and choose the one that works for your budget. And if you apply your tax refund to your down payment, you can make your monthly payments much smaller.

Additionally, our office accepts Care Credit, which is a credit card you can use to pay for medical expenses not covered by insurance. There are a lot of reasons this option is worth looking into, including the fact that it’s interest-free as long as you make your payments on time. You can also choose low minimum payments without any penalty as well.

If you’re on the fence about starting orthodontic treatment, getting your tax refund could be the extra push you need to get started. Contact Smith Orthodontics today to schedule a free consultation and to see which treatment options are right for you!